Alfredo M. Bonanno
Facerias Introduction to biography

Facerias was one of those men that it almost comes naturally to write a biography about. All the essential elements of the legendary anarchist are to be found in his actions, his life as a whole and his death: the vindicator who rises up in struggle against the class enemy and refuses to accept any compromise. And this is certainly one way to read the volume we are presenting here, the first and, if you like, the least useful one.

Max Stirner
The False Principle of Our Education Or — Humanism And Realism

Written as a reaction to Otto Friedrich Theodor Heinsius’ treatise Humanism vs. Realism, Stirner explains that education in either the classical humanist method or the practical realist method still lacks true value. Education, therefore, is fulfilled in aiding the individual in becoming an individual.

Gilles Dauvé
Fascism / Antifascism

The horrors of fascism were not the first of their kind, nor were they the last. Nor were they the worst, no matter what anyone says. These horrors were no worse than “normal” massacres due to wars, famines, etc. For the proletarians, it was a more systematic version of the terrors experienced in 1832, 1848, 1871, 1919 .... However, fascism occupies a special place in the spectacle of horrors.

Feral Faun
Feral Revolution

This book has a lot to say, far more than might seem at first sight. But it requires a particular disposition on the part of the reader, a disposition to understand rather than to simply inform oneself.

Alfredo M. Bonanno
A few notes on the revolutionary movement in Italy A few considerations on the revolutionary movement in Italy from 1968 to the end of the eighties

The point of view of the anarchist movement in Italy in its various articulations is always for direct action, the refusal of the delegate and the negation of any kind of power whatsoever.

Alfredo M. Bonanno
Fictitious Movement and Real Movement

Following on from the text ‘Why a Vanguard?’, the present work continues to go into the problem of the relations between the movement of the exploited and the revolutionary anarchist movement.

The Finger and the Moon From the ‘Operation Cervantes’ to the correlated strategies of dominion

Distributed by Cassa Anarchica di Solidarietà Anticarceraria, Latina, 2005.

For an Anti-authoritarian Insurrectionalist International Proposal for a debate

At a time when the Mediterranean region is involved in political games worse perhaps than ever before it is important to reflect on the social, economic and political conditions that are intermingling and interacting, producing situations of extreme tension but also opening up a vast field of intervention to all revolutionaries.
We consider the form of struggle best suited to the present state of class conflict in practically all situations is the insurrectional one, and this is particularly so in the Mediterranean area. By insurrectional practice we mean the revolutionary activity that intends to take the initiative in the struggle and does not limit itself to waiting or to simple defensive responses to attacks by the structures of power.

Errico Malatesta
Fra Contadini A Dialogue on Anarchy

The numerous editions and translations of this pamphlet by Errico Malatesta all over the world have already demonstrated that its importance and relevance have been recognized universally.

Alfredo M. Bonanno
From riot to insurrection Analysis for an anarchist perspective against post-industrial capitalism

There can be little doubt left anywhere on the planet that a fundamental change is taking place in the organisation of production. This change is most obvious and most felt in the centres of advanced capitalism, but the logic of information technology and decentralised production is now reaching what were once remote peripheral areas, drawing them into an artificial communitarianism whose only real common element is exploitation.