Charles Reeve, Sylvie Deneuve, Marc Geoffroy
Beyond the Balaclavas of South East Mexico

Books, conferences, videos, T-shirts, stickers, marches, committees and benefits abound, showing the many expressions of what has been defined as ‘the international of hope’. Yet no critique has been published on ‘insurgent Chiapas’ and the Zapatista National Liberation Army from the subversive point of view. Many anarchists have also given their contribution, without a word of criticism. Why is this?

‘Caso Bombas’ Chile 2010

CHILE RECENTLY DOMINATED WORLD HEADLINES through the much publicised rescue of 33 miners entombed in the Atacama desert after the dilapidated, unstable mine they were working in collapsed. When the ‘accident’ took place on 5 August, there seemed little hope of saving their lives.
9 DAYS LATER, on August 14, public prosecutor Ricardo Peña gave the order to set in motion “Operation Salamandra”, in which agents of the BIPE (Investigation Police) the ERTA , the GOPE (Special Forces of the Normal Police), LABOCAR (CSI) and a series of helicopters and police cars were used to carry out 17 spectacular dawn raids in Santiago and Valparaiso.

Peter Kropotkin
The Conquest of Bread

Although The Conquest of Bread is undoubtedly one of the fundamental classics of anarchism, its present day validity is not as certain as it is linked to a precise situation of class struggle which cannot be easily clarified by referring to the analyses contained in the present volume. Put it aside? Consign it to the pleasing research of the historiographers, ever capable of giving a semblance of life to what has long been dead? Make a great task of separating the wheat from the chaff, patiently pointing out the parts that are still valid and those that are decidedly out of date? And, in such a case, what would remain of the unity of the work which, although accidental as it consists of pieces written at different times, cannot fail to leap to the eyes of even the most casual reader?

Contributions to the Revolutionary Struggle Intended to be Discussed, Corrected and Principally Put Into Practice Without Delay

Haven’t you ever, just once, felt like turning up late for work or felt like slipping away from work early? In that case, you have realised that time spent working is time doubly lost because it is time doubly wasted...

Alfredo M. Bonanno
Cyberpunk and Technology

The main characteristic of cyberpunk is that it escapes definition. That is not only due to the wide variety of choices in the ideas of its supporters, but is also a direct effect of the possibilities offered by the new methods of information technology.

Alfredo M. Bonanno

...The dissonance lies in the content of these arguments. But by remaining in the content, crystallising itself in the place for saying (and even doing) they could also become elements of recuperation, food for future conservative thought, new uniforms (of a different colour), new ‘idols’ (in a more agreeable format). There are no definitive recipes, not even dissonances, capable of breaking the rhythm that constantly envelops us.

Down the Maxi-prison The hour of rebellion — Towards Insurrection — The struggle against the maxi-prison. Contributions to the struggle against the construction of a maxi-prison in Brussels. Transcriptions of some of the debates.

Contributions to the struggle against the construction of a maxi-prison in Brussels. c/o Le Passage, espace d’info et de coordination dans la lutte contre la maxi-prison. Translation of the transcription of the meetings, which were held in French.

Luigi Galleani
The End of Anarchism?

The end of anarchism? An odd question perhaps at a time when just about everybody one meets is ‘an anarchist in their heart of hearts’. No enlightened person would ever admit to being in favour of authority or hierarchy today, and even many of the marxist-leninists of once upon a time would never admit to being in favour of a State.

Alfredo M. Bonanno
Errico Malatesta and Revolutionary Violence

This talk at the anarchist conference on Malatesta in Naples, December 2003, is a perfect example of how any attempt to justify or condemn the concept of revolutionary violence is a failure from the outset. Revolutionary violence has no need of my justification and cannot be affected by any kind of condemnation, even if it comes from the ranks of the anarchists themselves.